How Do I Earn the DAISY Award?
Earning the Daisy award means meeting the most basic nursing requirements of the job and then going above that to deliver high quality and compassionate care. Family members, other staff, and friends of a patient may nominate a nurse for the DAISY award.
Many hospital units have a box posted on a wall with DAISY award nomination forms for people to fill out and then return to the nurse’s station or put back into the receiving box. The manager or another administrator receives the nomination form and then processes the applicants through their internal system. Healthcare facilities may award the nominee once a month or at their own discretion. Many facilities may then choose a nominated employee to be the award recipient for the entire year.
Recipients of the DAISY award are often celebrated in monthly celebrations, given special privileges at the hospital such as a free lunch or parking stall, photos on their website or public areas, and more. Patients, family members, and even co-workers can also nominate a nurse on the foundation website Nurses cannot nominate themselves for a DAISY award.
Just going through the motions of nursing care, although fulfilling regular nursing responsibilities, will not earn a Daisy award. We are in the business of people and as in other industries of public service, public opinion matters.
Allied health professionals who are not nurses may earn the BEE award offered by Samaritan Medical Center. The BEE award is representative that a DAISY cannot grow without the benefits of a BEE, symbolizing the important teamwork between nurses and allied health professionals. Hospital and healthcare facilities often look for ways to motivate and reward their employees for desired behaviors.
The Healer’s Touch statue in front of the international office for the DAISY Foundation symbolizing the relationship between nurses, patients, and families.