Food affects your mood; yes, you read that correctly.
With almost all the serotonin (a hormone that stabilizes mood and happiness) in your body originating in your gastrointestinal tract, it is true that the diet you follow can truly be impacting your happiness.
Although the idea of completely abandoning overly processed or refined goods can present issues of inaccessibility or additional expenses, a Harvard nutritional psychology study revealed that the risk of depression in those who follow ‘traditional’ diets (such as Mediterranean or Japanese) is 25% to 35% lower.
Begin incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Whether it is a snack, you eat in between patients or a quick lunch or dinner while on break – food can affect your mood!
I know I probably sound like a broken record, but food is fuel. It is one of the best holistic mental health approaches, trust me on this.
Therefore, make sure that whatever you put into your body is healthy and gives you proper fuel.
Although they may be tasty, birthday cake and fast food chicken are not proper fuel for a clear mind and energy source.