Justice Defined
Justice in nursing means treating all patients equally and fairly. Patients should not be judged unfairly or treated any differently based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion.
As a nurse, you swore to uphold this ethical principle and the others to provide quality patient care. It’s vital to advocate for your patient without judgment in all circumstances.
Maleficence is another moral principle that means doing all you can to prevent harmful effects from happening to your patient, thus providing safe care. An example is to provide needed medication to your patient by saying, “I would appreciate it if you could give it to the patient when it is due, not when you get around to it.” It could also mean reporting broken equipment or removing it from circulation to prevent a patient from using it and becoming injured.
As you have probably heard, “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SPEAK UP.” It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure patient safety.